My Best Friend

My best friend Bethany is an awesome girl. She plays volleyball, softball, tennis, and is a devout Christian. Her faith is seemingly unshakeable and due to that, we are accountability partners which only strengthens our friendship. Our friendship didn’t come about by any conditions or funny situations, it just happened. Bethany and my sister were friends before me and Bethany became friends, so we met when Allison invited her to go to the movies. From then on, Bethany, Allison, and I were “three peas in a pod.” Due to our bust schedules, we don’t get to hang out a lot, but when we do it is unforgettable. Every time we get together, something bizarre or hilarious happens. One time we all decided that we wanted to try and wall twerk and..well…we all slipped on a rug and busted our faces. Bethany is unlike any other friend I have; she is honest, trustworthy, and faithful, but she can also be funny, sarcastic, and plain crazy. The reason our friendship is so strong is because there has never been any drama between us. She is a straight-up person and will tell you what is on her mind. I took her dress shopping with me recently and I could depend on her to tell me if it looked good or bad, not lie and say it looked just because we are best friends. Our friendship is more valuable to me than almost anything. There is never a situation I can bring to her that she doesn’t have a solution to. She is wise beyond her years. When I have a religious-based question, she always knows just what to say. There’s no way I could ever replace her friendship. Me and Beth

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